March 14, 2025: I will teach at the Berlin Academy of American Music this summer. (Link)
March 14, 2025: I will teach at the Veneto Art and Music Summit this summer. (Link)
March 13, 2025: An interview with me was published on “15 Questions.” (Link)
March 6, 2025: My new CD was included in Bandcamp’s “Best Contemporary Classical Music, February 2025.” (Link)
March 4, 2025: I was interviewed by Dave Lake for his podcast “Contemporary Classics.” (Link)
February 8, 2025: My fifth full-length CD will be released on February 25, 2025 on the New Focus label. (Link)
February 5, 2025: I was interviewed for the podcast series “Neue Musik Leben.” (Link)
February 5, 2025: I was interviewed for the podcast series “Relevant Tones.” (Link)
February 5, 2025: I was interviewed for the podcast series “EC2.” (Link)
February 5, 2025: Anne Berrini created a video about Miro Magloire’s ballet Secret Place, which includes various compositions of mine. (Link)
February 5, 2025: An interview with me was published on this blog: Link.
August 22, 2024: My fourth full-length CD, broken song was released on the New Focus label. (Link)
August 22, 2024: I was interviewed by the “Otta hat Gesellschaft” interview series in Magdeburg, Germany. (Link)
August 22, 2024: My composition for music theater Mechthild was included in Best of 2023 /The Top 25 by AnEarful. (Link)
August 22, 2024: A video of the last scene of my composition for music theater Mechthild was created by Olaf Katzer, the conductor of the performance and CD recording. (Link)
August 17, 2023: My composition for music theater “Mechthild” was released on the New Focus Recordings label. (Link)
August 17, 2023: My composition for music theater “Mechthild” was included in the Best of 2023 (So far) by AnEarful. (Link)
October 4, 2022: The Offener Kanal Magdeburg television station in Magdeburg, Germany created a documentary about my composition for music theater, Mechthild. (Link)
October 4, 2022: An article about my composition for four choirs and two organ positives, “weil wir leben, können”, was published by the Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten newspaper in Dresden, Germany. (Link)
September 4, 2022: This past summer, I taught at the Atlantic Music Festival (Link) and the Collaborative Composition Initiate (CCI) workshop of the Unheard-Of Ensemble. (Link)
September 4, 2022: This season, I am a guest composer at the SynCROform in Zagreb, Croatia. (Link)
September 4, 2022: Starting with the fall semester of 2022, I will serve as Dean of Academic Core and Head of Composition at Manhattan School of Music (Link). I will continue to teach composition lessons and classes in the composition, music theory, and music history departments.
September 4, 2022: In the 2023/2024 season, I will be Composer in Residence at the Gesellschaftshaus in Magdeburg, Germany. (Link)
September 26, 2021: Starting this year, my music will be exclusively published at Verlag Neue Musik in Berlin, Germany. (Link)
September 26, 2021: My composition mo(nu)ment for C/palimpsest for the loadbang ensemble was released on the New Focus label. (Link)
September 26, 2021: My composition fall from your spring for viol consort and bandoneon was released on the Raumklang label. (Link)
September 26, 2021: This past summer, I taught at Creative Music Online at Arts, Letters & Numbers. (Link)
June 16, 2021: In November and December of 2020, I realized two projects with my composition students in Sakura Park: Time To Break Silence: “…let freedom ring.” and Sound: Moves: Us (Link)
June 16, 2021: I will be teaching at the Atlantic Music Festival from June 28 to July 4, 2021. (Link)
Jan. 16, 2021: "Über den Wolken verschwindend”, a short composition for solo violin, was published in a volume of new violin pieces for children by C. René Hirschfeld.
August 21, 2020: I was appointed chair of the Composition, Theory, and Skills department at MSM.
August 21, 2020: I am honored to be one of the 2020 Barlow General Commission recipients. I will be writing a second composition for the Unheard-Of ensemble.
August 7, 2020: I will be teaching at the Creative Music Online program at Arts, Letters, and Numbers.
June 13, 2020: Starting in the fall of 2020, all my compositions will be published by Edition Gravis in Berlin, Germany.
June 13, 2020: An interview with me was published on the Ideas X People podcast.
Feb. 11, 2020: I will be teaching again at the Collaborative Composition Initiative.
Feb. 11, 2020: Excerpts of my first composition for solo violin, tanz.tanz, were included in an art project by Janet Cardiff and George Bures, “Night Walk for Edinburgh”.
Feb. 11, 2020: The Violin Channel featured my second composition for solo violin, passage: time (copy), performed (and commissioned) by Miranda Cuckson, audio recorded by Ryan Streber, and video recorded by David Bird.
Aug. 20, 2019: Excerpts of my violin piece tanz.tanz, performed by Daniel Pioro, were part of an art project in Edinburgh, SCO
Aug. 20, 2019: Radio Feature on my CD distant song on KUAF
Mar. 26, 2019: Radio Feature on my CD distant song on WGTE
Mar. 6, 2019: Guest Composer at the Unheard-of// Collaborative Composition Initiative at Stony Brook University
Mar. 5, 2019: My CD distant song was included in the March 2019 CD HotList/New Releases for Libraries
Feb. 28, 2019: My CD distant song was included in "Best of Contemporary Classical: February 2019” by Bandcamp
Jan. 10, 2019: My CD distant song was included in “Best of 2018: Composer Portrait CDs” by Sequenza21
Jan. 10, 2019: The CD through which the past shines (music by Nils Vigeland and myself) was included in “Best of 2018: Top 25” by An Earful
Dec. 16, 2018: Faculty at the Atlantic Music Festival at Colby College in Maine
Dec. 14, 2018: CD-Release of my second CD, “distant song”, on New Focus Recordings, featuring performances by European and American vocal and instrumental ensembles
Dec. 11, 2018: Book-Release of a dialogue with my father, including his poetry and manuscripts of my music, available on Amazon
Nov. 12, 2018: Video-Release of eternal return with the Byrne:Kozar:Duo (video by David Bird) on YouTube
Nov. 2, 2018: CD-Release of Weg, Lied der Schwäne with the Oerknal Ensemble on the 7 Mountain Records label (NDL), including a video on YouTube